There is no greater medicine for the soul than the teachings of the Holy Bible. Yet words are merely symbols whose meaning change over time and from one culture to another. This is especially true for the words of the Bible, which were written for a simple people, a sheep-raising people, who lived in a world nearly 3600 years removed from the science-based industrialized world of today. Images of Heaven is an effort to bridge the time and cultural gap, integrate science and religion, and make the teachings of the Bible more understandable to today's reader."

miracles-coverThis unique work is a study of the Holy Bible through the lens of science. Based on the most authentic complete Bible manuscripts in existence, Dr. Michael Binder combines his medical training and experience as a psychiatrist with the knowledge and insights of world-renown Bible scholar Dr. George M. Lamsa to help you understand the entire Bible, from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation, in the language of our modern culture and times.

Books may be  obtained with a minimum non-tax deductible donation of $39.00 (shipping included) to The Binder Foundation.  

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